If you are here, I'm guessing you're a mom and this wasn't what you expected. I'm glad you are here. Take a deep breath, snuggle that baby, and contact me! Really, I'd love to hear from you!
While welcoming a new baby is a joyful time, it can also present families with unexpected challenges. Sometimes a birth doesn't go as planned. Sometimes a baby has difficulty breastfeeding. Sometimes mom is overwhelmed by the demands that come with caring for this new human being. Sometimes relationships struggle as a result of broken sleep, insecurities regarding parenting, well-meaning family members offering input...the list goes on!
In short, these little people change life in BIG ways!
In individual coaching and counseling sessions, Rebecca will examine your particular situation and will work together with you to come up with a personalized action plan. You will acquire coping strategies, and gain confidence.
Rebecca is specially trained in Trauma Informed Care (TIC), and her areas of expertise include:
Postpartum Adjustment
Processing a Difficult Birth
Fussy Babies
Individual coaching and counseling sessions are 60 minutes long and cost $125 per/session. After an initial complementary phone consultation, a minimum of 3 sessions is recommended. When booked in advance, a 3-session package is available for $350 *a savings of $25
If you are struggling and/or wondering how coaching or counseling services can benefit you, Rebecca would love to hear from you! Please click here to contact her for a FREE consultation.
Photo courtesy of Shirley Anne Photography